Online platform user agreement

Thank you for your interest in The website was developed within the framework of the UNICEF project in Ukraine Inclusive Education and ICF for Teachers (training simulator), it has been put online and supported by the Social Synergy NGO.

Service / Website User Agreement


 1.1. When using any function or services on the website https: //, any individual (hereinafter referred to as the User), regardless of their legal status and civil capacity, is subject to the rules and restrictions set forth in this User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement).

 1.2. By registering on the website https: //, the User agrees to abide by the terms of this Agreement when using any service available on the website https: // Should the User disagree with any of the provisions of this Agreement, the User may not use the Administrator’s service.

 1.3. The Administrator may amend, supplement or otherwise modify this Agreement without prior notice to the User.

 1.4. The agreement with any relevant changes and additions shall be placed on The User hereby agrees that the Agreement can be amended without receiving any special confirmation from the User.

 1.5. For the purposes of this Agreement, unless the context requires otherwise, the following terms shall apply:

 Administrator – Social Synergy NGO;

 User – any capable individual who is 18 (eighteen) years old at the moment of registration, who accepted the terms of this Agreement and uses the Portal service;

 Portal – Website;

 Portal services – remote (online): a) completion of the course “ICF Training Simulator for Teachers” with a certificate of completion awarded according to the requirements of the course; b) participation in the contest according to the Rules of Contest for educators;

 Service – any transaction that does not involve supply of goods related to the provision of a service used in the process of performing a certain action or conducting a certain activity to meet the personal needs of the User;

Personal data are information or a set of information relating to an identified or identifiable individual.

1.6. The Portal may additionally set conditions for the use of certain resources and services.


 2.1. In order to use certain services of the Portal, the User is required to register; as a result of the registration a unique account is created for the User, providing access to the services of the Portal.

 2.2. The User is required to ensure that the personal information provided during registration is accurate and reliable so that the appropriate registration form could be filled in.

 2.3. Should the User provide inaccurate information during registration or subsequent use of the Portal services, the Administrator reserves the right to suspend or terminate the User’s account (registration) without prior notice or without obtaining the User’s consent.

 2.4. In the event that the User’s actions may lead to a breach of any rules and regulations of the applicable law, human rights and the possibility of claims towards the Administrator or bringing the Administrator to justice for the User’s actions, the Administrator has a right to obstruct the User’s actions immediately as well as suspend or terminate the User’s account (registration) without prior notice or obtaining any consent from the User.

2.5. Except as expressly provided herein, the Administrator shall take all necessary measures required by the applicable law of Ukraine and all reasonable and appropriate steps to protect personal data made available to the Administrator by the User when registering on the Portal.

2.6. By agreeing to comply with the requirements of this Agreement, the User gives his/her full, unconditional and irrevocable consent to the inclusion of their personal data provided during their registration on the Portal in the personal data base of Portal users.

 2.7. The Administrator reserves the right to terminate the User’s account if it is not used by the User within 12 calendar months.

 2.8. When registering on the Portal, the User is required to enter a unique password. The User is fully responsible for the security of the provided password and protection of their account.

 2.9. In the event that a third party obtains access to the User’s account, the User shall immediately notify the Administrator by sending them a notification to the following email: so that appropriate measures could be taken, provided that the User can confirm that the account belongs to that particular User.

 2.10. The user shall independently ensure the integrity of information about their passwords and other confidential data. The Administrator is not responsible for the consequences of the loss by the User of confidential information about their personal data (login and password). This provision applies both to the transfer by the User of personal data to third parties voluntarily and to the loss by the User of confidential information about personal data against their will.


 3.1. The User may use certain services of the Portal without registration.

 3.2. Regardless of the fact of registration, the User shall comply with the terms of this Agreement when using the services of the Portal.

 3.3. The Administrator has the right to restrict the User’s ability to use certain services of the Portal without obtaining the User’s prior consent to the terms of this Agreement.

 3.4. In the event that the User’s actions may lead to a breach of any rules and regulations of the applicable law, human rights and the possibility of claims towards the Administrator or bringing the Administrator to justice for the User’s actions, the Administrator has a right to obstruct the User’s actions immediately without prior notice or obtaining any consent from the User.

 3.5. Except as expressly provided for herein, the Administrator shall take all measures provided by applicable law to protect personal data made available to the Administrator by the User using the services of the Portal without registration.

 3.6. By agreeing to comply with the requirements of this Agreement, the User gives his/her full, unconditional and irrevocable consent to the inclusion of their personal data made available to the Administrator during the use of the Portal services by the User without registration.


 4.1. All issues regarding collecting, using, processing and protection of the User’s Personal Data are regulated by separate Privacy Policy placed on the Portal.


5.1. The Portal is intended exclusively for providing Users with information services, in particular, access to publicly available (public) information, information lawfully provided by third parties, and objects of intellectual property rights that are lawfully used by way of their posting on the Portal.

5.2. The Portal does not post and the Portal is not intended for the posting of confidential information, information with limited access, or information of third parties for the placement of which the Portal has not received the appropriate permissions and authorisation.

5.3. Should the Users discover information and/or objects of intellectual property rights, whose use is restricted or the rights belonging to third parties, the User is obliged to contact the Administrator and report the violation with the indication of the Internet address of the information and / or objects of rights intellectual property which, in the User’s opinion, violate the rights of third parties and to report the nature of such offense.

 5.4. After registration of the User through the Portal and following acceptance of the Agreement with the User, the Administrator shall:

 5.4.1. provide services for remote (online) access to the training course “ICF Training Simulator for Teachers” with a certificate of completion awarded according to the Rules of Course Competition by the User.

 5.4.2. make it possible to take part in the contest for educators according to the Rules of Contest.


 6.1. When using the services of the Portal, the User may post information and objects of intellectual property rights (hereinafter referred to as the Content). Should he/she post the Content, the User guarantees that he/she rightfully owns such Content or property rights thereto and/or has received all necessary permits for the posting of such Content from third parties. Should any claim by third parties towards the Administrator occur, the User shall settle such claims by their own efforts and at their own expense or reimburse the Administrator for the losses incurred by the latter as a result of such improper placement of Content by the User on the Portal.

 6.2. The User shall not use the services of the Portal to transmit, post or disseminate in any way information whose content is illegal, threatening, defamatory, or offensive, infringing copyright, spreading hatred and/or discrimination against people on any grounds, containing offences and claims against other Users, the Administrator or any third parties whose rights are established by the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Public Morality”, the Constitution of Ukraine and other relevant regulations. It is also forbidden to disseminate any information of erotic, sexual or pornographic nature through the Portal. In the event that Administrator incurs any losses due to such posting of illegal information on the Portal by the User, the User shall reimburse these losses to the Administrator in full.

 6.3. The Administrator does not take any action and is not responsible for the accuracy of information, authenticity and legality of the Content placed on the Portal. The Administrator does not check the Content posted by Users and/or lawfully reproduced from other sources, including the Internet, provided that there is a link to the source of such Content, and is not responsible for its accuracy and legality.

 6.4. When using the Portal, Users do not have the right to store, post, transfer or otherwise disseminate any information and/or objects of intellectual property rights in a way that may infringe the rights of third parties, including the right to protection of personal data.

 6.5. When using the Portal, Users cannot perform any actions that violate or may result from violation of the applicable legislation of Ukraine or the legislation of any other country where the User currently stays, as well as relevant international law.

6.6. Information services and advertising on the Portal can be provided exclusively by the Administrator or upon obtaining prior written consent of the Administrator. Unauthorized placement of advertising information by Users is prohibited, otherwise the User shall reimburse the Administrator for damages in full.

6.7. The information posted on the Portal must not contain:

 - restrictions on the rights of persons with disabilities;

 - restrictions on minority rights;

 - attempts to impersonate another person or a representative of the organization and/or community without sufficient rights thereto, including employees and owners of the Administrator, as well as misleading information about the properties and characteristics of any entities or objects;

 - materials that the User has no right to make available in accordance with the law or in accordance with any contractual relationship;

 - materials involving infringement of any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights and/or author’s rights and related rights of a third party;

 - intrusive advertising, “spam”, chain mail, invitations to participate in financial services or attempts to press services in another way;

 - materials containing computer codes intended to disrupt, destroy or restrict the functionality of any computer or telecommunications equipment or software for unauthorized access, as well as serial numbers for commercial software products, logins, passwords and other means for obtaining unauthorized access to paid resources on the Internet;

 - advertising of alcohol, nicotine and drugs;

 - records concerning any person or entity, containing rude and offensive language and suggestions;

 - records containing pornographic materials.

 6.8. Any materials received by the User using the services of the Portal shall be used by the User at his/her own risk. The User is solely responsible for any damage that may be caused to the computer and/or data as a result of downloading and using these materials.

 6.9. The Administrator shall inform the User about claims of third parties concerning the Content posted by the User. The User shall provide the Administrator with the data about the rights for the Content or delete the Content.

 6.10. At the first request of the competent authorized (law enforcement) body but in accordance with applicable law, the Administrator has the right to provide such body with the available information about the User, including personal data.


 7.1. The Portal and any of its components, including the source code, design elements, text and other objects of intellectual property rights constitute exclusive property of the Administrator.

 7.2. This Agreement does not imply providing any rights or permissions to the User to use the Portal in any way other than those that are in line with the functional capabilities (functionality) of the Portal.

 7.3. The portal is provided for use by Users “as is”. The Administrator does not assume any guarantees regarding the smooth operation of the Portal services, the timeliness and accuracy of their work in order to confirm any facts, as well as the fitness of the Portal services for the User’s purposes.


 8.1. The Administrator is not liable for any damage to life and health, any direct and/or indirect losses, financial and physical damage and/or nonpecuniary damage, liabilities or losses incurred as a result of using or non-using by the User of information posted on the Portal well as using the Administrators’ services; lack of opportunities to access the services or use them; failure to provide or improper provision of services to Users by third persons; any actions or omissions of such third persons; availability of any powers, permits, licenses, approvals of third persons or lack thereof, presence or absence any special legal status of third persons etc.; unauthorized distribution, modification or destruction of Users’ information as a result of any use of the Portal.

 8.2. The Administrator does not guarantee permanent or unconditional access to the services provided by the Portal. The operation of the Portal may be affected by force majeure and other factors that cannot be prevented or overcome by the Administrator.

 8.3. The Administrator is always open for any wishes and suggestions of any User of the Portal regarding the operation of the resource.


9.1. The present Agreement is an agreement between the User and the Administrator in respect of the use of the Portal services and supersedes all previous agreements between the User and the Administrator.

9.2. This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine. All issues arising out of this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the current law of Ukraine. All possible disputes arising from the relations regulated by this Agreement shall be resolved pursuant to the procedure established by the applicable law of Ukraine at the place where the Administrator is located. Throughout the text of this Agreement, unless explicitly stated otherwise, the term “law” means the law of Ukraine.

9.3. Due to the fact that the services under this Agreement are provided free of charge, the consumer protection requirements provided for by the law of Ukraine cannot be deemed applicable to the relationship between the User and the Administrator.

9.4. Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed as establishing between the User and the Administrator an agency, association or partnership relationship, joint venture relationship, employment relationship, or any other relationship that is not expressly provided for in this Agreement.

9.5. In the event that one or more provisions of this Agreement are deemed invalid or having no legal effect for any reasons, it shall not affect the validity or applicability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement.

9.6. Inaction on the part of the Administrator in case of violation of the Agreement by the User or by other Users does not preclude the Administrator to take appropriate actions later in defence of its interests and does not imply any waiver by the Administrator of its rights in the event of  future similar or comparable violations.

9.7. This Agreement is drawn up in the Ukrainian language and posted at: /legal/agrimant".


Last modified:

The latest changes were made to the Agreement on March 15, 2021.



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